Thank you all my dear IPPNW colleagues for your kind words

Sergey Kolesnikov, member of Russian Acad.Med.Sci., IPPNW EC member
Колесников Сергей Иванович, член Президиума РАМН,  Засл. деятель науки РФ

Dear Maria- it is a great success not only for you,but for all IPPNW!!! Congratulations!!!

Sergey Kolesnikov

The UN now has a double privilege:  to celebrate women, and to celebrate this one in particular!   Congratulations,

Randy Rydell UN Geneva  

Dear Maria,
Congratulations for receiving the special Marangopoulou Award for your devotion to world peace, human rights, global environment etc.
We are also proud of you being an active  IPPNW member.
May the world be closer to our wish.
Katsuko Kataoka Japan
Secretary General, JPPNW

Dear Maria,

I have just come back from Oslo and am catching up on all the e-mail from the past couple of weeks. This one is especially heart-warming. If anyone deserves such an honor, it's you. Congratulations!

All best wishes,
John Lorenz IPPNW program director USA

Dear Maria,
So many good things have happened for International Womens Day in Australia, and now we know they did in Greece as well!

Congratulations on your Marangopoulou Award, you are very deserving of it, and it helps so much to raise the antinuclear flag a bit further.  

Well done 


Dr Jenny Grounds | President 
Medical Association for Prevention of War,

Kirsten Osen  Norway (

Προς: maria sotiropoulou

Εικόνα του χρήστη Kirsten Osen

Dear Maria
My cordial congratulations on the occasion of the award. You are a great model for all of us, always alert, always working, always prepared to do your best for mankind. I greatly admire you.
Warm greetings 

Congratulations Maria for the Award. I am very happy with this because you merit that and I feel proud of being your friend
Ernesto Kahan. Israel

Dear Maria,

My warmest congratulations on your highly deserved award. You're an inspiration to all of us. Keep up the great work.
Hope to see you at one of IPPNW's meetings soon.

Ron Mc Coy Malaisia

Congratulations. Maria!
Your success demonstrates that even slowly and without richness and great resources we shall overcome!
All mediterranean colleagues of IPPNW are proud of your award!
Cordial greetings

Michele Di Paolantoni​o Italy

Dear Maria,
Congratulations for the well deserved award.

Ime John USA

Most cordial congratulations from me too! 
Very Big Schiebefenster!
Andreas Nidecker Swicherland

Liz Waterstone British IPPNW Affiliate
Hi Maria

All in Medact send their congratulations

as well

Well Done.

This is a very well deserved honour

and also a great credit for IPPNW.

Thank you for your devoted work

over many decades.

best wishes Liz and your medact friends

Dear Maria!

Congratulations to this well deserve award!

Gunnar Westberg   Sweeden

Robert Mtonga, IPPNW Co-president Zampia (
7:31 πμ
Maria, I am in full admiration for a well deserved accolade! Keep up the good work. Bob. 

Vappu Taipale Finland ( Gi

Εικόνα του χρήστη Vappu Taipaledear Maria, warm greetings and hugs from Finland  Vappu and Ilkka

Dear Maria,
Many congratulations on your richly deserved award, which is due recognition of a true woman of peace!
Greetings from snowy England!
Tony Simson " Bernard Russel Peace Foundation"  

Dear Maria,
Thank you so much for your message. It was very nice hearing from you and congratulations again for your valuable efforts against nuclear plants and weapons.
Looking forward to seeing you again among us and best wishes to all your family members from us with Hacer and Basak,
Derman Bozdok Turkey

Congratulations Maria
 - it's good to see such an award going to a woman
 who deserves it as much as you! So HAPPY INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY!
with all best wishes,

Rebecca Johnson 

Congratulations Maria!
          A well deserved award, and particularly symbolic that you received it on International Women's Day.
At the Palestine-Israel Journal, we published a special issue devoted to Women and Power, which was inspired by UNSecurity Resolution 1325 that mandates that women should be involved in all political and diplomatic processes. 

Women and Power Vol.17 No.3 & 4 2011 
                                                                Best wishes from Tel Aviv,
                                                  Hillel Schenker Israel                                                                              Co-Editor  Palestine-Israel Journa

Jasna Bastic Zurich (

Congratulation, Maria, it is more than deserved!!

Congratulation, Maria, it is more than deserved!!!
Congratulation, Maria, it is more than deserved!!!

Congratulations on a well deserved Award Maria!
Lalita Lamdas Greenpeace India

Ghassan Shahrour Jordan (
I am in full admiration! Keep up the good work.
 Congratulation Well done

Jayantha Dhanapala

013/3/9 Herman Spanjaard The Netherlands
Well deserved, Maria!

Congratulations Dr. Maria Sotiropoulou ,We are all proud of you.

 Dear colleagues
For International Women's day The "League for Women Rights", Greek member of the International Alliance of Women, working in Greece since 1920, honored me for 2013 with the special  Marangopoulou Award( as the woman who works hard and devoted for the benefit of community) that is given every year. 
In the celebration devoted this year to the Enviromnent, there were speaches by selected speakers as Michael Petrakis (Earth in it's limit's) Nikos Katsaros "Enviromnental dangers in our Food" Maria Arvaniti Sotiropoulou "The dangers of radiation" ect
Maria Arvaniti Sotiropoulou


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